Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Born Darkly by Trisha Wolfe

As a reader I try and never block myself into the same ole same. I like to venture out and take risks and try something different. Born Darkly is that different. Its thrilling and suspenseful and has you routing for people you should be hating, but just can't bring yourself to. Ms. Wolfe's writing flowed so well it felt like I was the one in the book with my heart racing trying to figure out the difference in the bad and the good.

When I first met London I was intrigued. She seemed guarded and was obviously protective of herself and her secrets. At other times I felt she was cold and closed off.  As the story started unraveling and I started to learn pieces of her past I was starting to realize that there was more to the story then I was putting together. That alone can make you excited to read a book. Thinking that you know what is about to happen only to be tossed for a loop and be right back to trying to figure out what the hell will happen.

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