Monday, December 7, 2015

Denouement by Cassia Brightmore

Cassia Brightmore may look like the type who spends her evenings baking apple pies, but after finishing up this series I’m pretty sure normal for her involves thoughts of torture and crazy shit no sane person should google. With that said, this series was like a roller coaster that just got better and better toward the end. I won’t lie, going into this book I just couldn’t imagine in a million years how it would all tie in together, but damn if she didn’t do it. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to find out what hell was going on. 

 I think if I learned anything about this series is to never lose hope in Cassia Brightmore. You may question and wonder, but she has a reason for every word she writes-have faith. Even though I felt like I needed flash cards to keep up with all the new characters in the book she maneuvered so smoothly through the story that gave you just enough but left you wanting more. 

Part of me wanted to read this book with my eyes squinted as you were afraid to start liking characters because at any minute you never knew if they would make it to the end. There will definitely be a lot of “did she just do that” and “wtf is wrong with her” but this series is so worth the time to experience a truly crazy ride all wrapped up in a story that will leave your head spinning and an end that you will never see coming.

Monday, November 30, 2015

All That's Left To Hold Onto by Ella Fox

Ella Fox delivers a beautiful love story about finding love in the most unexpected ways. As a reader I’m a firm believer that a book that is truly about love without the angst and all the drama is needed in the reader world.  With that said, I was nervous because I usually stay away from books that involve kids, but damn if Ms. Fox didn’t have me wanting to sign up on to find me a Ronan to make babies with.

Ronan is the guy we all hope to find but we still end up wasting our time on the bad boys. He is protective, supportive and the one person that Keely and Emma can count on. I loved being on the journey of watching him find his way on taking care of Emma. It was sweet, funny and made you hopeful that guys like him do exist. Keely was just what I expected her to be strong and unwavering in her decisions. She took the bull by the horns and there was no changing her mind when it came to Emma. 

Did I mention the fact that the TUG girls are in this book. You know any author who gives a shout out to fictional dudes jerking has to be all kinds of awesome. This just proves that Ella can write any kind of story and engage the reader. She can go from Alpha guys getting their woman to sweet guys who will do anything to get their woman.
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Unlawful Justice

Rating this book just about killed me. I wanted so much to fall in love with it. We just can’t love them all. Although, I appreciate the message that they were delivering I just struggled finding my reading groove. I guess as a reader I’m just greedy and want more romance and more focus on my main characters. I wanted that connection and unbreakable bond with them. 

Grayson hit the mark right away for me. He was strong and never wavered in any of his decisions. He loved beyond doubt and always seemed to have just the right thing to say. My connection with Olivia was a little bit harder for me. I wanted to feel more as well as  experience her pain of what she went through. I would have loved to have went on the journey of her picking up the pieces. Even though she didn’t remember- I just wanted to watch her break from it as most would and then build back up even stronger from the experience. 

 This book will definitely take you on a journey and at times have you feeling love and hate and even a little both all at once.  Even though it might have not been for me I know other people will enjoy reading this story about justice and truth.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Kian by Tijan

I jumped into this book head first because let’s be honest it’s Tijan and you are guaranteed to feel every word that hits the page. The author has this way that makes you feel like you are half way through a movie before you realize you are actually reading a book. Her characters are real and when they are hurt, you hurt. You feel like you are best friends with them and feel the need to protect, make everything right and never let them down. It’s heartbreaking and yet, you feel like you are held responsible for their well-being.
When you first meet Jo you are instantly drawn to her. You want to know all her secrets, but yet protect them as well. Jo has a strength that you are just drawn to. That is what the author does. At times you may want to slap her, but most times you just want to high five her and hope to hell you can sit at the lunch table with her. Damn Tijan
Kian, you don’t know a lot about him and for a good bit of the book you are left wanting more for a good bit of the book.  But you love and love the mystery. You are instantly drawn to the way he protects, but yet, lets Jo make her own decisions. Like the whole time Kian knows what the answer is but he is going to let Jo figure it out. Top that off with a guy who would kill for you and well, now you see why Tijan has become my girl crush.
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