My rating: 5 of 5 stars
IT only takes one moment in time to see everything you hoped,wished and lived for pass by in the blink of eye.To have a tragic experience open up your eyes to everything you ever dreamed of but didnt think you deserved.

This is the journey of Nathan and Lila two broken souls trying to find the path they were both born to walk.Have you ever felt broken,walking around and surviving day to day thinking this is what you deserved. Have you ever felt your soul is in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle waiting on the right person to sit down and try to put you back together and when they do you know they will start with the outside and work their way in.Then once that last piece was put in you fill complete,worthy and ready to face all the evils.

This is not your fairy tale romance where Prince Charming rides up on his horse this story is about raw love,passion and a willing to fight for something you know is lying underneath the surface.This is a story of a love so powerful so deep and broken its soul wrenching and when they come together its what stories are written about.
These two people feed off of each other they need the touch the looks the possession in each others eyes.Its about watching a building that is 100 years old fall to the ground and replaced with a new more stable one because in this story 2 people were tore down and although they were built back stronger as a individual as a duo they will take on the world that destroyed them.
Nathan and Lila's passion can be felt with every word.Its not poetic its raw and real and earth shattering.These two people feed off the need to be near and have each other.

The author brings you in on her journey of two people learning how to close old wounds and learn to not only survive with themselves but learn to love and depend on each other.KNowing that you are lost and letting someone switch the light on for you to find the way.
ARC provided from the AUthor..MUch love K.I thanks for allowing us all to join im..
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