Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Give Me Yesterday by K Webster and Elle Christensen

I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this book. Never in a million years did I think that my heart would be left with the words THE END. All I’m waiting on now is for Blake Shelton to come and announce duo of the year. I usually shy away from the books that may rip my heart out, but when it comes to K. Webster and Elle Christensen I just grab the biggest bottle of wine and settle in for a book that will rock my world. I started the Prologue and thought these bitches are going to shred me then slowly put me back together. The sick thing about it, I couldn’t wait for it to happen. 
Chase was the guy we all dream about but always seems out of reach. I love the reformed playboys who get their balls handed to them when they finally meet the girl of their dreams. Chase didn’t disappoint. He went after Tori knowing that she was it for him. Relentless in his approach to shatter every wall guarding her heart. 
For ten years Tori has been existing - not really living a life. As much as I understood the cold-hearted woman she’d become, I loved seeing life breathed back into her with each page turned. Watching her unravel to the person she used to be and rooting her on to be the person you wanted to see. 
Books like these are the reason why I read. The reason why I get lost inside of another world completely oblivious to anything on the outside. You don’t ever expect that a book will speak to you and draw you in and never let you go. It’s not too often you come across a book that is good,but has a message that people will relate to. K. Webster and Elle Christensen just have a way with words that they just seem to blend into this world that is painted full of color.

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