Cassia Brightmore may look like the type who spends her evenings baking apple pies, but after finishing up this series I’m pretty sure normal for her involves thoughts of torture and crazy shit no sane person should google. With that said, this series was like a roller coaster that just got better and better toward the end. I won’t lie, going into this book I just couldn’t imagine in a million years how it would all tie in together, but damn if she didn’t do it. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough to find out what hell was going on.
I think if I learned anything about this series is to never lose hope in Cassia Brightmore. You may question and wonder, but she has a reason for every word she writes-have faith. Even though I felt like I needed flash cards to keep up with all the new characters in the book she maneuvered so smoothly through the story that gave you just enough but left you wanting more.
Part of me wanted to read this book with my eyes squinted as you were afraid to start liking characters because at any minute you never knew if they would make it to the end. There will definitely be a lot of “did she just do that” and “wtf is wrong with her” but this series is so worth the time to experience a truly crazy ride all wrapped up in a story that will leave your head spinning and an end that you will never see coming.